Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year = Resolutions

New Year means New Resolutions....

Have you made your resolutions yet??? I hope the year 2013 brings joy to all of you, my family and friends. I am so happy to see the END of 2012!!! I feel such a sense of relief tonight that I can finally say goodbye to this year and to all the pain it brought me. It has probably been the HARDEST year of my life. I am so ready to start 2013 and plan to make it the best of my life!!! I really believe that it will be and I am looking so forward to what it has in store for me and my boys. As for my resolutions....My first two come straight from the Bible and are very important to me....

1. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. Phil. 3:13

Why is forgetting so hard to do??? I have been working on this one for a while. As I begin this new year, I will stop focusing on things that happened in the past. I will start looking forward to what lies ahead!!!

2. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act... Psalm 37:7

I will not try to rush God's plan. I will be still and know that God's timing is perfect and he has wonderful things in store for me and my boys. I just have to be patient and not worry about things I cannot control.

3. I will spend more time with my Heavenly Father. I will pray more, and I will read from his word more. I will find time daily to just be with him.

4. I will continue on my weight loss journey and be happy with my body. I will reach my goal weight. I will be in a single digit size jeans.

5. I will set myself free by letting go of any bitterness or anger I may feel. I will forgive anything I have not yet forgiven.

6. I will be a better mother, daughter, sister, and friend.

7. I will not be selfish.

8. I will be more compassionate.

9. I will be thankful for all the many blessings in my life.

10. These three kind of go hand in hand.... I will enjoy life. I will try something new. I will welcome new beginnings.

These are my resolutions. I hope that I can stick with them and make 2013 the BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE!!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Who's that Girl???

Who is that girl rocking those size 10 skinny jeans..........

This girl right here.....

That would be ME!!!! YEA!!!!! I haven't been in a size 10 in forever and I have never even attempted to put on a pair of skinny jeans! I have lost 5 more pounds. Yes, the flu was definately part of it, but I am keeping it off. I only have 8 pounds to go to reach my goal weight!!! I can't believe it!!! :):):)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Flu and 150's

My goal was to reach the 150s by Christmas, well I made it! Today, I weighed 159. I have to say though, the way I got here was no fun at all. Having the flu and throwing up 10-12 times yesterday was not the way I had planned on reaching that goal!!! I am sure that I will put some weight back on as soon as I feel like eating again, so my stay in the 150s will probably be short lived. I am going to try really hard though to not put too much back on and still be in the 150s at Christmas. On another note, I am so looking forward to the Biggest Loser Challenge with my Zumba friends at FUN 2B Fit! I am hoping to reach my main goal of 150 by the end of the challenge and possibly even set myself another goal. Who knows?!??!? I haven't worn a bikini in..... well EVER, but by this summer.....we shall see, as my journey from Fat to FaBuLoUs continues....Oh, and if you are interested in Zumba and the Biggest Loser Challenge just message me or check out the Fun 2B Fit facebook page. :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

New Beginnings

New beginnings are not always easy, but sometimes they are necessary. I just moved into a new apartment with the boys. It is small, but that is okay. We will be just be extra cozy. I am trying to be positive about this. I just keep remembering when we built our house 5 years ago. I was so happy. This has been a difficult transition, but with great friends and family to support me and give me amazing words of advice it has been a little bit easier. So I thank you for that. I don't know what I would do without you all. I keep telling myself that God has great things in store for me and the boys, and I really believe he does. I just have to be patient and keep being thankful for the blessings in my life. So here is to new beginnings!!! I am going to make the best of each and every one one of mine. Oh, I guess I should report on my weight. I was worried about Thanksgiving, but I actually did okay. I have lost another 2 pounds. :) Unfortunately, it is looking like I won't be reaching my goal by Christmas....13 more pounds to go and only 20 days till Christmas. Don't think I can do that. So I am going to say I just want to be in the 150's by Christmas. I think that is a much more attainable goal. We shall see as I continue my journey from Fat to Fabulous!!! :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012


I began my journey from FAT to FABULOUS in July 2011. I did really well from July until right around this time last year. The holidays killed me. I went from losing weight to skipping weigh-ins and not posting at all. From mid November last year until really July of this year I stayed pretty much the same. I would gain and lose, but never really get anywhere. The past two months I have been doing GREAT!!! I have lost another 2 pounds this week, which brings my grand total to 72 pounds GONE!!! I am just so worried that I will mess it up again with the Holidays around the corner. I have got to stay focused on my goal. I can't allow myself to mess up now...Just 15 pounds away from my goal!!! I can do this....I can do this.....I CAN DO THIS!!!! :):):)

Monday, November 12, 2012

70 pounds!!!

I have lost a total of 70 pounds!!!!
70 pounds ago I looked like this....
70 pounds ago I was a very unhappy and unhealthy person...
70 pounds ago I could barely walk up a flight of stairs...
70 pounds ago I could not play football with my kids without getting out of breath...
70 pounds ago I wouldn't have dreamed of doing ZUMBA...
70 pounds ago I was tired all the time...
70 pounds ago I hated myself...
70 pounds ago I did not want to look at myself in the mirror...
70 pounds ago I HATED going shopping...
70 pounds ago I only had a few pair of pants I could wear in my closet...
70 pounds ago I was MISERABLE!!!!
BUT, that was 70 pounds ago!!!!! :):):)
Today, I look like this...
Today, I am a much healthier, much more happy person...
Today, I LOVE getting out in the yard playing football with my boys...
Today, I CAN and LOVE doing ZUMBA...
Today, I have energy when I get out of bed in the morning..
Today, I like the person I see in the mirror...
Today, I love to go to the store and buy a cute pair of jeans...
Today, I am beginning to love me again!!! :):)
Before I began this journey, I had let the real me disappear. I didn't know myself anymore. I only knew the "FAT girl in the mirror". I knew in my heart I was not that person. I didn't like going places or socializing with friends. Sometimes, I would even skip church because I could not find anything in my closet I could wear, or because I was so embarrassed by the way I looked. Today, the real me is finally starting to shine through. I will NEVER be that "fat girl in the mirror" again. Trust me!!! If I can do this, ANYONE CAN!!! I still have 17 pounds to go to reach my goal, but I am so proud of how far I have come. Please!! If you are reading this and you feel the way I felt 70 pounds ago, don't say I will start tomorrow. I said that SO many times. Start right now, TODAY!!! Don't settle for being that person you hate to look at in the mirror. You CAN be healthy and you CAN be happy!!! Come to ZUMBA with me tonight at 6:30. Even if you think you can't, you can. I have had so many people in my life that have motivated me to keep going on this journey from FAT to FABULOUS!!! I would love to be the person that motivates you!!! :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Time for a Weigh-In

Great day today!!! Championship Game day for my boys, ALABAMA is going to whip LSU again, AND I finally get up and get on the scales and the # in the tens place has dropped AGAIN!!! WOOHOO!!! I am beyond happy. I am now in the 160's. I have lost 68 pounds in all!!! That means I have lost a BRODIE!!! HA!! That blows my mind. I have lost 10 pounds in 24 days. I know I am going to reach my goal by Christmas. I am feeling so much better about myself. This past week has been a rough one (well actually, the last 4 years), but I am finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am beginning to REALLY and TRUELY get excited about what my future holds. I pray that God has great and wonderful things in store for me and my boys!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Reality Check!!

Yes....I am losing weight. I am feeling pretty good about myself and then, pictures!!! Pictures don't lie. These pics were taken at a Halloween party Friday night. I was not the focus of them, but to me all I can see is my double chin and my fat rolls. :( They are the first thing I see. I didn't know my friend was snapping the pics so I didn't know to look down and at the camera so my double chin wouldn't show (a trick my sister taught me). I didn't know to stand up straight and suck it in. LOL These were just a reality check for me. I know I have come a long way and that I looked much worse a year ago. I probably had 3 chins then. LOL These pictures are just a reminder that I have a ways to go yet and I am not stopping until I get where I want to be. So, I will be staying OUT of the kids Halloween candy for sure!!! Oh, wait I guess you wanted to see the pics, didn't you. Well, they can't be any more embarassing then my before pictures, so here you go......

Friday, October 26, 2012

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe----a beautiful woman who just happened to be a size 12. Which just happens to be the exact size I am right now!!! Yes!! I am a size 12. Now, don't get me wrong..... I by NO means compare to Marilyn Monroe's beauty. Not even close!!! I am just happy to say I am a size 12. Which is pretty awesome since I started out in a size 20!! (blah) No, I am NOT finished losing weight. This is just another milestone I have reached in my journey and I had to report it!!! :)The journey from Fat to Fabulous continues....

Monday, October 22, 2012

Feeling Good In My Own Skin

Today, I am feeling good in my own skin. What an AWESOME feeling!!! It has been a long time since I could say that. I feel so much better about myself. It is an amazing feeling to be able to go to my closet and pull out a pair of jeans and they are TOO BIG!!!! Wow!!! It used to be that they were too TIGHT!!! It feels so good to be able to go to the store and try on clothes and they fit the first time, and I don't have to go get a bigger size (and I don't have to shop on the PLUS side of the store)!!! I do feel good, but remember my goal is to feel FABULOUS!!! I am not stopping at good!!! I have bigger dreams than good. I have lost 64 pounds now!! I have 23 pounds to lose before I reach my goal weight. I will not stop until I get there. I have never been more determined to lose weight than I am right now. Oh, and I would like to say thank you again to those who have commented on my weight loss. Someone even whistled at me at church Sunday. LOL You are helping me stay motivated! So thank you for that!!! :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Latest Weigh-in/Pic

As of today, I have lost 60 pounds. I am working so hard to get the rest of this weight off by Christmas. I have 27 pounds to go. I think I can, I think I can,I know I can!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Place Value

As a teacher, I teach students the place value of #'s. You know, the hundreds place, the tens place, the ones place, etc. For example, take the # 237. The # in the hundreds place is a 2. The # in the tens place is a 3, and the # in the ones place is a 7. Through this journey the place value of #'s has become important to me. Like when the # in the hundred's place went from a 2 to a 1. That was an accomplishment. That # will NEVER change again. Lately, I have been watching the # in the ones place go down (which is nice). But today, I watched the # in the tens place go down one #. That makes me so happy!!! As of today, I have lost 58 pounds. I am so excited. I can't wait to watch that # in the tens place go down again!!! :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Feeling Fabulous

I have to say I am feeling much better than I have felt in a long time. The peace that I feel within myself is indescribable. I want to thank those of you who have shared your stories of similiar trials in your own lives with me. You have shown me that you can go through hard times and make it out on the other side a much stronger and happier person. Your words have been such an encouragement to me. Thank you!! Well, I suppose I should report on my weight loss. To date, I have lost 54 pounds. I am the smallest I have been since I began my journey from Fat to Fabulous. The last several months I have been struggling with gaining some back and losing it again. Today, I feel like I am finally on the right track to reaching my goal weight. I really believe I will be there by Christmas. What a great Christmas present to give myself!!! A much healthier, happier Allison! I deserve it! :)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thank you!

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the sweet comments and support you have shown me since my last post. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. It is amazing how much better I am feeling. I feel so at peace and free right now. It feels like a heavy load has been lifted off my shoulders. I am finally beginning to feel excited to start this new chapter in my life. I am still nervous, but I know that God will lead me down the road he has planned for me. Jeremiah 29:11-13 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Thank you Mark for putting this in your lesson this morning. I needed to hear it.) Also, I am happy to report that the scales are going down again. YAY!!! This is a picture of me before going to the Bama game yesterday. Still a ways to go, but I am on my way to looking and feeling FaBuLoUs!! :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

On a Mission

Lately, I have had several people ask me where my posts have here I am. I am so sorry I haven't kept up with the blog like I should. I know most of you know this by now, but I am going through a divorce. That is not something I am proud of. I never wanted this life for me or my kids, but sometimes you have to make choices in your life that you never dreamed of making. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through, and I wouldn't recommend it for anyone. However, going through this has made me realize just how little I have focused on myself for the last 13 years of my life. I realize that as wives and mothers, many of us don't have time or take time for ourselves. I think this was a mistake of mine. Please don't get me wrong. I love my boys with all my heart. They mean the world to me, but not taking care of myself is not good for me or them. So, now I am a woman on a mission....It is time for me to become the "BEST ME" I can be. I know that this blog is mainly about weight loss, and obviously, that is still a goal of mine. I know that if and when I reach my goal weight I will feel so much better about myself. But, that is not my only goal anymore. Being the "BEST ME" doesn't just mean looking fabulous...It means changing on the inside as well. It means being the best mom, daughter, sister, and friend I can be. I know the person I want to become. I have spent way to much time feeling sorry for myself. I have to let go of the past and things I cannot change. We are only on this Earth for a short time, and I intend to spend the rest of my time living and loving my life. While I may regret choices I have made in my past, this is a turning point. I want to be able to look back when I am 80 years old and be proud of the way I lived my life, without regrets. I want my kids to grow up proud of their mom. I want to set the best example I can for them. So here is to my mission....I am looking at the date and it is Sept. 25th. That means it is 3 months till Christmas. This year I am going to give myself the best Christmas present I can, and that is to become the "BEST ME" I can be!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

From A to Z-umba

Okay, I know it has been a few months since I last blogged. I have had a lot going on the past few months. I just kind of put my weight loss on the back burner. I realize that was a mistake. I did not reach my goal weight in a year like I had planned. I let myself down, and I let you all down. I have some major changes in my life going on right now. I have been extremely stressed, which is not good since I am a stress eater. I am trying really hard to turn that stress into determination and drive to lose the rest of this weight. Tonight, I went to my first Zumba class. I was nervous but ended up having so much fun! I am going to be doing Zumba two nights a week and walk/run the other days. I am going to reach my goal. I am going to feel good about myself again. I will go from fat to fabulous!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Weigh In #26

Sorry it has been so long since I last posted. Let's just say I wasn't doing very well for a while. I am back though and I am feeling better than ever. My total weight loss as of today is 53 pounds. :) YAY!!! I have also posted some pics of me and my boys to compare.....

 Easter Last Year

Mother's Day This Year (much better)

Sunday, April 15, 2012


This is SO how I feel right now. I have been taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back for several months now. I am halfway to my goal and I am stuck! I lose a few pounds and then turn around and gain them right back! I am not satisfied with where I am. I am going to start a new diet plan tomorrow and see how that works. I think if I can stick with it I will do great. My boys came in today and said they saw a picture of me from years ago. They said, "Mom, you were HOT!" Then Brennen said, "Now you are fat." Children say exactly what they think. I don't want my children to think their mommy is fat. :( I want them to think they have a "HOT" momma. :) So......the journey  from FAT to FaBuLoUs continues..........

Monday, April 2, 2012

Weigh In #25

First, I want to apologize for the April Fool's joke yesterday. I just had to do it. ;) Turns out, I am the April Fool. Instead of 10 pounds I only lost 1 measly pound this week. :(  I had intended on getting a lot of exercise (didn't), I had intended on staying in my calorie range everyday (didn't), and I had intended on losing a large amount this week (didn't)! I had wonderful intentions, just didn't carry them through. It seems so easy, you know? Eat less and exercise more. I mean it is not rocket science!!! I know what I want to look like and I know what I have to do to get there. Why don't I just do it? UGH!!! It will be a year since I began my blog on July 15 and I have only lost 47 pounds. :( Don't get me wrong! I am proud I have lost that much, but I know where I could be if I had stayed on track the last 4 or 5 months. I gave myself a year to get where I want to be. My time is running out quickly. I have to get with it. Eat less, exercise more, eat less, exercise more, eat less, exercise more, eat less, exercise more!!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I am so excited!! I could not wait until tomorrow to post my weigh in for the day!!! Guess what? I have lost 10 pounds this week!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!! I can't believe it! I will be in a size 10 before you know it!!! I mean 10 pounds in one week is AWESOME!!! I am so proud of me. :):):)

 Scroll down for a new pic of me 10 pounds slimmer!!!!

HEHEHE.....I wish I was 10 pounds slimmer!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Closet Cleaning Blues

Yep, I have the closet cleaning blues......While cleaning out my closet today, this is what I found....

That is a stack of 22 pairs of jeans, shorts, and capris that range in sizes from 9 to 11. Along with all these pants I found several shirts, dresses, and skirts that I can't wear anymore. I cannot believe that I used to wear them. I really can't believe that I let myself get up to a size 20. :( It is really depressing having all these cute clothes in your wardrobe, but being to FAT to wear any of them. I haven't thrown any of them out because it is my goal to get back in them. While this made me sad, there was a positive to cleaning out my closet. I got to bag up all the clothes that are too big now to take to loaves and fishes. :)
Yep, no more size 16,18, or 20 for me. I am NOT hanging on to these like I did the size 9s and 10s. I WILL NOT EVER be that size again!!!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Weigh In #24

Happy with my weigh in today. I lost 2 lbs this week, which brings my grand total back to 46 pounds GONE!!! (Thanks Heather for teaching me to say gone instead of lost; if it is lost you can find it again) I did have a chocolate chip pancake for breakfast this morning, but I have already worked it off. :) So glad it is Spring Break!!! Hope it is as beautiful as it is today all week. I am planning on pulling a BIG # for my weigh in next week. Since it is Spring Break, I should be able to get plenty of exercise. I have already walked 3 miles and I am planning on getting some more exercise before the day is over. Hope everyone has a great day!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pat on the Back

Yep, I am giving myself a pat on the back tonight. Brodie had ball practice at his coach's house tonight. Instead of sitting there watching him practice (which is what I wanted to do), I got up and walked up and down his coach's driveway. Thankfully, his coach has a LONG driveway. :) I used my NOOM app to record how far I walked. I got in 3 miles. YAY me! I CAN find ways to fit exercise into my day. I just have to make myself do it, and I always feel better when I do.  I also stayed within my calorie range. Another good diet day in the books. So glad I am back on my way to looking and feeling FaBuLoUs!!!  :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Weigh In #23

Well, after a having a much better week this week the scale is finally going in the downward direction. I didn't lose as much as I had hoped, but I also didn't get as much exercise as I needed to. I am loving watching my baby play baseball, but it has cut into my exercise time.      :( I have got to figure out a way to fit it into my schedule. Back to the weight loss....I lost 2 pounds, which brings my total back to 44 pounds GONE! I am very proud of myself for getting back on track and I am going to try my best to keep it up. I don't have very long to reach my BIG goal so I have to start really working hard. I want to say thanks for the sweet comments I received at church Sunday night. They really help keep me motivated. :) Here is a pic of me and my little ball player before his first game of the season! Go ARMY!! :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs Oh, My!

Ahhhhh, the Reese's Peanut Butter Egg or as I like to call it EDWN, Every Dieters Worst Nightmare!!! I know I am not the only one who LOVES these yummy, little pieces of chocolate and peanut butter heaven. They make sticking to a diet so hard this time of year!! I see these in the store and I just have to have them. The worst part is, I can't eat just one!!! I keep reminding myself that, "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels." But seriously, I think the person who came up with that saying had never eaten one. I will be so glad when Easter is over so they will be off the shelves. They are just TOO TEMPTING. However, I am happy to say that as much as I wanted one (or 2 or 4 lol), I resisted today! I can't believe it!!! Two good "Diet Days" in a row. It has been a while since that happened. It has been so hard to get back on track, but I think maybe I am. My goal for today was to stay within my calorie range and to make time for exercise. I accomplished both of my goals. YAY!! I had 1,200 calories and for my exercised today I danced for 30 minutes. I had planned to walk, but it was lightening when I went out so I settled for shaking my booty at home. So glad no one was peeking in my window! ;)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


FINALLY!!! Finally, I had a GOOD DIET DAY!!! WOOHOO!!! HOORAY!!! YAY!!! How do I know? I am going to bed hungry. LOL I know some of you think that is not the way to do it, but that is what works for me. I picture those fat cells eating away at each other all night long while I am sleeping. LOL It has been a while since I felt really good about my diet. Dare, I say it.....I am back on track. I better not get ahead of myself now. I have said that before just to FAIL miserably the next day. It is just one day, but maybe, just maybe, it is the beginning of losing the rest of this weight. So what you may ask, motivated me today??? Well, putting on a pair of jeans this morning that had fit good and them being difficult to button. :( This was a wake up call! I am not going to let myself do that again. I have worked to hard to get where I am, and I still have a ways to go to get where I want to be. Today, I had right at 1,100 calories, and I didn't eat anything after 4:30. My only downfall today was not getting any exercise. That is okay though. I am thinking only positive thoughts tonight. I have felt way too discouraged lately. I am patting myself on the back tonight for a change. My goal for tomorrow...Stay within my calorie range and make time to exercise!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Weigh In #22 UGH!!! Broken Record

I don't know why I even weighed in today. I knew I hadn't lost any weight. While it is not the best time for a weigh in (ladies, you know what I mean), I really can't use that excuse. I did not try hard enough to lose weight this week AGAIN!!! The past 5 or 6 posts are beginning to sound like a broken record. So I am getting more and more disappointed in myself which causes me to eat more and more!!! Why can't I get back on track and stay on track??? I read something today that hit me....
"Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent." - Marilyn Vos Savant
That is how I have felt lately....Defeated!!! I will not give up though. I will reach my goal. Don't give up on me!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Weigh In #21

This is my first weigh in since Jan. 9th. Me not weighing in for a while = BIG MISTAKE!!! Since Jan. 9th, I have gained 4 pounds. UGH!!! Apparently, I have to weigh at least once a week to hold myself accountable. If I don't, well, I GAIN!!! Obviously, I didn't win Biggest Loser either. It's okay though. I am not giving up. I plan to get off those 4 pounds THIS WEEK!!! That is my goal for the week. 4 pounds. So what I had lost minus the 4 pounds I put back on brings my total weight loss to 42 pounds. I have got to step it up if I want to be looking FAB by summer! I would like to report that I drank almost 50 ounces of water today. That is an accomplishment for me. I kept my calories to around 1,300, but I didn't get to exercise today. :( While I am disappointed in myself for the last 4 months, I know that I have the willpower to stay on track now and lose the rest of this weight FOR GOOD!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fitness Apps

Fitness Apps are making it much easier to keep track of how well I am doing on my diet!!! I am loving the new Fitness app I just downloaded, MyFitnessPal. It scans the bar codes of foods I eat and keeps up with the amount of calories I have had. I also have an app, Noom, that uses GPS to track how long, how far, and how fast I walk. It also keeps up with how many calories I burned during the workout. These apps also keep track of my weight loss. So today, I had a pretty good day. Here is the scoop....

Calories: 1,300
Exercise: Walked 1 hour
Calories burned:  410
Water: Only 12 ounces (I know! I will do better tomorrow)

Monday, February 27, 2012

55 points WOW

I realize I haven't posted in a while. I have got to get better a that, but I have been pretty busy. I started my new job last week, which I love. Then, I had a pretty busy weekend. Brennen's birthday party Friday night, girl's night Saturday night, and I ended the weekend with the lovely stomach virus. :( I need to get back to posting everyday and also posting my calories, exercise, etc. I am getting excited about my diet again. This warm weather has made me realize that summer is around the corner and with it comes swimsuit weather. This realization has renewed my willpower. :) So, get ready for the weight to start falling off again. :) Weekly weigh ins will be returning next Monday. Oh, and if your wondering why the title of my post is 55 points WOW, did you know that a single serving of cheese fries at The Outback is 55 Weight Watcher Points!!! Well, neither did I until after I ate them! :( I am not doing WWs but I do know that is not good for a diet. Lesson learned. I won't be making that mistake again.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Getting Back on Track

I am finally getting back on track. For anyone who has ever dieted, you know how hard it is to get back on track. So I am happy to say, I had a much better day today. I consumed about 1,300 calories and walked 4 miles. I also started a new job today, which I am so excited about!!! I am now a 6th grade teacher aide at Central. It is going to be great experience for me. I am praying that next year I will get a job as an elementary teacher with a classroom of my own. Central has great lunches, but I am going to try to take my lunch everyday so that I stay within my daily calorie range. Tomorrow, I am going to take a bowl of multi grain cheerios and a banana. I really hope that the slumps are over and I can stay on track now.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

In a Slump!!

Okay, confession time! This will be my first post in a while. My computer has had some sort of virus the past few weeks. I think I finally fixed it today. Honestly though, I could have still been blogging using my phone. I just haven't!!! I don't really know why. I am beating myself up a little bit (actually A LOT) today. I worked so hard to lose weight from mid-July until Thanksgiving. I did such a good job, but since then I just haven't stuck with it. I have had a few good weeks here and there, but for the most part I just haven't tried. I started Biggest Loser and really thought it would get me motivated again, but I have actually gained weight since I started!!! I haven't been exercising and I have been eating much more than I should!!! I am slowly watching the scales go up instead of down and it is very depressing (which causes me to eat more)!! Why is that? I have also made some very difficult decisions in my life recently, and I tend to eat more when I am going through rough patches. Why couldn't I be one of those people who find it difficult to eat when life gets hard? My goal to get in those "dream jeans" and that cute bathing suit by summer is getting further away. I have got to snap out of this slump!!! I am just disgusted when I think of where I could be right now if I had kept it up the past 3 months. I would be soooo much closer to my goal!!! When I started this blog I gave myself a year to get where I wanted to be - from FAT to Fabulous. I have got to get back on track or that will not happen. I need some motivation!!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Not the best day!

Well, I said I would start blogging everyday with a full report of my diet day. Today was not the best day. It would have gone much better, but my daddy took me out for my birthday tonight. Without further delay, here is my first full report.....
  • Calories - about 1500 :(    Chili's hurt me tonight!!! (but it sure was good)
  • Water - 50 ounces (that is pretty good for me)
  • Exercise - Walked 3 miles, Climbed stairs for 10 minutes
Hoping for a better day tomorrow!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Time to be Honest

Honestly, I haven't done very well the past few days. :( I don't know why. Just can't seem to stop eating. My Biggest Loser competitors will be happy to read this I am sure. I have got to get back on track. I have worked too hard to get where I am. I can't stop now. I want to reach my goal by summer. I hung up my "dream jeans" where I can see them. I am going to try a couple more things to stay on track. I am going to put a paper on the fridge where I have to write down everything I eat every day and amount of calories. Another biggie...I AM going to start drinking water!!!! Also, I am going to try my best to blog EVERYDAY!!! I am going to report the amount of calories I eat, how many cups of water I drink, and how much I exercise. Hopefully by adding these things to my routine I can get back on track and FINALLY get to my goal!!! I am not giving up!

Monday, January 23, 2012

My "Dream Jeans" :)

First, I would like to thank my cousin and fellow weight loss blogger, Heather, for the idea of "dream jeans". You can follow her weight loss blog here, So, I have this pair of jeans I bought off Ebay about 2 1/2 years ago with every intention of being able to wear them when I got them. But obviously, with it being Ebay I couldn't try them on before I bought them. Of course, when I got them they were too tight. :( So my goal was to get in them. I NEVER did!!! Life threw me a curve ball and I put on a whole lot of weight. The jeans have been just hanging in my closet laughing at me ever since. After reading Heather's blog tonight about her "dream jeans" I decided to pull mine out and try them on, and GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

No, they didn't fit. (Gotcha, didn't I? hehehe) They are still laughing at me. So now they are going to hang where I will see them everyday and one day soon I will be the one who is laughing. :) I have also posted a picture of Heather and I taken a few days after Christmas. I will post one of us together when we both get in our "dream jeans". Love ya Heather....We got this. :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Going good

Just wanted to update on the Biggest Loser. It is going great. I am totally going to win it this year. :) Sorry to all my competitors. LOL I am going to get to my goal weight by summer and I am going to post a pic of me in a bathing suit looking much better than my first and truly embarrassing picture on this blog. I also wanted to give a shout out to two of my most faithful readers. Hey Kristen and Belle! Thanks for reading and cheering me on! :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Biggest Loser

I am so excited about starting the Biggest Loser at church yesterday. Competition drives me!! I am hoping it will keep me motivated to get off this last 35 pounds. I realize today is Monday and I should be posting a weigh in, but because I am in the competition I have decided not to post my weight loss until the final weigh in. I wouldn't want to give my competitors any idea about how I am doing. ;) However, I will be posting information about my exercise and how my diet is going. I am happy to say that I walked 6 miles yesterday. I felt GREAT!! Today, I played dodge ball and basketball with the boys for an hour and 30 min. That was fun, except the headache I have from getting hit in the head with the dodge ball. I love that exercise can be fun and I can include my kids in it as well. One of the reasons I am doing this is to show them how important it is to be healthy and exercise. We are loving the Dance Central game on the XBox Kinect. It is a sight to see (LOL), but so much fun!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Weigh In #20

The past four weeks I really haven't tried to lose any weight. I haven't exercise or dieted. This is my first week to really get back to work after Christmas. I only lost one pound since my last weigh in, but to me this is a success. I am sure I put a few pounds on during the Christmas holiday. This brings my grand total weight loss to 46 pounds. I am looking forward to Biggest Loser starting Sunday. I know it will help motivate me to get off this last 34 pounds. With today being the National Championship game, I also want to give a big ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'm Back!!! :)

Okay, so I took a bit of a break from my diet over the holidays. I didn't want to worry about losing weight during Christmas. It is a new year now, which means it is time to finish what I started in July. I have 35 more pounds to get off. I plan on looking good or should I say FaBuLoUs in a bathing suit this summer. :) I will NOT look like I did when I started this journey ever again!!! So it is back to it today. Also, I am excited about starting Biggest Loser at church in a few weeks. I love competition. :) To all my competitors out there, good luck and get ready to LOSE!! :) Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. I plan on making 2012 the best year of my life!!!!! :)