Sunday, July 31, 2011

1000 Hits!!!

Wow!!! My blog has been viewed 1000 times. I can't believe it. Tomorrow makes 3 weeks since I started my blog. Thank you all so much for reading. It truly is keeping me motivated. I will not let you all down. :) But more importantly, I will not let myself down. I walked 7 miles today. I am feeling good!!! Tomorrow is weigh in day. Hoping for a good number. Oh, and I wore a black skirt to church today that I couldn't zip a couple of weeks ago. YAY!!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Walking off the Weight

Sorry I have not posted for a couple of days. Don't worry! I am still going strong, just haven't had much to post about. I am definitely walking off the weight!!! I walked 5 miles today. I am tired but feeling good. Well, except for my nice red sunburn! I burn so easily. Tonight is camp "in" night with the boys so I am probably in for a long night. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One Tired Momma

Whew! I am pooped. LOL So, today I.........washed, dried, and put away 3 loads of clothes, cleaned my bedroom, both bathrooms, swept and mopped the floors, did a two mile walking DVD, walked another 3 miles at the football field, VBS tonight (we had 23 two and three year olds), shucked and roasted corn, and gave the dog a bath. I am one tired momma. Hopefully I worked off a few pounds today. Mom cooked me some fresh green beans with new potatoes tonight. They were so yummy. :) I splurged and ate a 3 Musketeer bar for breakfast (I know, I know...But it was so good). I had a lean pizza pocket for lunch and an ear of roasted corn for a snack. Now, I am getting ready to watch a movie and hit the hay. Hoping for a good nights sleep tonight. Goodnight all! :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Weigh In Time

Well, I lost 3 pounds this week. Not near as good as the 8 pounds I lost last week, but hey that is 11 pounds in 2 weeks. Not bad!! :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

So Hungry

I titled my post for the day, So Hungry, because that is how I feel right now. LOL My KFC green beans have worn off. My diet is continuing to go well. I am staying motivated and my will power is strong. :) Someone asked me on Facebook how I was staying motivated. I think the number one reason is because I want to like the person I see in the mirror. I want to be happy and healthy. I want to set a good example for my kids and I want them to be proud of their mommy. I am continuing to exercise everyday. I walked 5 miles yesterday and 3 today, and I have another day of couch to 5K training tomorrow. I will weigh in tomorrow morning and post the results. I am not expecting a big number this week, but we will see. I can't wait to be in a size 10 again. :):):)

Friday, July 22, 2011


Okay, I am getting a little bit frustrated. Why is it the first week I dropped 8 pounds and the past 4 days NOTHING?!?!?! I have been walking 3 to 4 miles a every day and keeping my calories around 1,100. I knew I wouldn't lose 8 pounds every week, but I don't understand why the scales haven't moved at all lately! I am hoping maybe I will wake up one morning and just drop 5 pounds like that. LOL I started a new program today. It is called Couch to 5K. I didn't realize just how out of shape I was until I started jogging. Whew!! The program is a nine week program that alternates jogging and walking. By the end of the nine weeks I should be able to jog 3 miles. We will see. Maybe I will even run a marathon one day. Hmmmm....okay, baby steps, Allison. :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Hope everyone is having a good week. Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I am still doing good. I just got back from walking 3 miles at the football field. I love walking, but I am hoping to start jogging pretty soon. Maybe I will mix it up and jog a little, run a little, jog a little. :) Not to long ago I was running 3 miles. That is hard to believe now. I want to get back there. Wait, let me rephrase that....I am going to get back there. The boys have football camp in the morning at Central so I am going to walk while I watch them. They are so excited; Brennen especially. This is his first year. I am so ready for football season!!! I love it! :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Weigh In

Okay, so today is the day of the big Weigh In. I have lost the GRAND TOTAL of 8 pounds since last Monday! I am so excited. I just know that I am going to stick with it and will soon be looking and feeling FABULOUS!!! I just feel so motivated to lose this weight. That is part in thanks to all of you who have been reading my blog. My blog has been viewed almost 500 times since last Monday!!! Thank you all for reading and cheering me on. :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Keep Mouth Closed

First, I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I made it through the weekend without messing up my diet. YAY! It was so nice outside this evening for a walk. I walked four miles. I really enjoy walking alone. It is so peaceful and quiet. It is my ME time. I do have a note-to-self though....When walking at night, keep mouth CLOSED!!! Bugs do not taste so great. YUCK! So, tomorrow I will weigh in and see how much weight I have lost this past week. Also, this has nothing to do with my blog, but I am really getting ready for some BAMA football!!! Roll Tide Roll!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Reunion Food

I had an okay day. I didn't get any exercise today, well except for playing volleyball at Daniel's family reunion. On the way home Brayden said, "You know mom, you did alright playing volleyball!" He sounded surprised. LOL I was worried I might eat to much at the reunion, but I did good. All I ate at was a hamburger patty. I ate a hamburger happy meal for lunch and a piece of roasted corn for breakfast. Hopefully I will get some more exercise in tomorrow. For those of you wondering how much weight I have lost, if any, I will let you know on Monday's post. :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Walking and Bird Watching

WoooHooo!!! I just walked three miles around the track at the football field. It was so hot and I was tired, but I just kept pushing myself. I just kept imagining the pounds melting away. LOL I had some entertainment while I walked. I got to watch some birds that were on the field. They were Killdeers (and yes, I had to google to find out their name). There was one baby and the mommy kept getting in between me and her baby when I would walk by. It was really sweet to watch. Although, I was a little scared that they might get mad and swoop down at me. Now, I have some corn roasting in the oven and some green beans on the stove for supper. :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Good and the Bad

Okay, so I have decided there is a good side and a bad side to my dieting. The bad side is going to bed HUNGRY!!! The good side is waking up, stepping on the scales and seeing the number has gone down!!! YAY!!! So I guess I should take the good with the bad. Today was a pretty good day. I kept my calories to around 1,100. I took my kids to the movie and only ate a handful of popcorn. Then we went to McDonald's were I ate a hamburger happy meal. I am so proud of myself because I didn't get a Mickey D's Sweet Tea to drink. That was an accomplishment for me, because I LOVE that stuff. I didn't get as much exercise as I had planned though. I walked about a mile. I was going to try to walk 3. Maybe tomorrow. Oh, I almost forgot....I DID NOT eat a brownie last night!!! :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mopping Away the Pounds

I had four people at church tonight tell me they had been reading my blog. That is awesome. You guys have to hold me accountable. Today was another good day. I went and got my hair done, which always makes a girl feel better! :) Am I right, ladies? I love it when someone else brushes my hair. It is so relaxing. I thought I was going to fall asleep in the chair. Today I ate a 6 inch Subway sandwich, roasted corn, and one mini frosted doughnut (I needed some chocolate). Since it is so HOT outside, I went to church early and walked there. Then I helped mop the gym floor. Now, that is exercise!!! Now it is time to go do some more laps in the pool. The boys have company tonight and I told them I would make some brownies when I get out of the pool. "I WILL NOT EAT ONE!! I WILL NOT EAT ONE!!! I WILL NOT EAT ONE!!!" 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thank you!!!

First, I just want to say thank you to everyone for the sweet comments and encouragement. I am so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family who I know will support me throughout this journey. I got on the scale this morning and realized that I could actually lose 100 lbs and be at a healthy weight. How did I let it get this bad?!?!?! I will be happy if I lose 80 lbs. That would put me at what I call my "happy weight". I haven't seen that # on the scale for 2 1/2 years. The good news is I am off to a great start! Today, I ate fresh green beans and roasted corn. I also had a 100 calorie rice crispy treat and a small bowl of spaghetti. For my exercise today I push mowed the lawn. I think I sweated off 5 lbs. LOL Did I mention it is HOT out there?!?!? I am planning on doing some laps in the swimming pool (or hot tub now) tonight when the boys get in bed. Thanks again for all the support!!! You guys have really helped to get me motivated!!! I know I am on my way to looking and feeling FABULOUS!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

My Journey Begins

This is truely embarassing for me, but this is me. Don't I look happy?!?!?!?! The person in this picture is not who I want to be. This is not who I am!!! I have spent the past 2 1/2 years feeling sorry for myself and EATING!! I don't want to waste another minute of my life this way. It is time for changes in my life, and I am starting with me! I have to lose this weight and keep it off. I have to realize that I am worth more than this. I deserve to be happy just as much as anyone else. Today marks a NEW day in my life. Today the transformation begins. I am making a commitment that one year from today I will be a MUCH healthier and happier person! My kids deserve to have a mom they can be proud of. I bought a bathroom scale today. I haven't owned one for several years. I figure if I have to look at the number on the scale every day that will be some motivation. I will try to update my blog every day to help me stay on track. If you are following me and see I haven't updated in a while, please check on me. I need all the support I can get. :) I want to thank all the people who have motivated me to start this blog. I hope that by doing this I can motivate others as well.