Monday, February 9, 2015

I'm back!!!

Well, guys....I'm back. Not very happy about that fact either. The truth is I am a repeat offender. I lose, I gain, I lose, I gain, and it just keeps going. It is a vicious cycle! I am wondering...Does anyone else have this problem??? I have to figure out a way to break the cycle. Especially just so happens this girl has a very important event coming up and wants to look her absolute best! What is this important event, you might ask?? Well....I am getting married!!! Eeekkk! 😊 The big day is June 27. I want to make my man say "WOW!!!!" when he sees me walking down the aisle! He deserves to have the most beautiful bride. I want to feel like I look my absolute best! If we were getting married tomorrow I would not feel that way. You all were so supportive and encouraging the last time I lost weight, I figured it would not hurt to ask that of you again! I need you to hold me accountable. Keep me on track! I don't have quite as much to lose this time, but it is enough that I need your help. So thank you in advance for your support. I am so lucky to have such amazing friends and family! So here we go again....from Fat to FaBuLoUs!!!