Monday, October 31, 2011

Weigh-In #14 :(

I am sure the sad face in the title gave it away. I am not happy to report that for the first time since I began my diet, I gained. :( I did not have the best week last week. I gained one pound back. I think I worked so hard the week before last, I just needed a break. I didn't even exercise but 3 days last week. So that means I now have only lost 40 pounds, and I did not reach my Halloween goal. :( I am going to set a new goal today. My new goal is to lose 20 pounds by Christmas. I know I can do that, and I will. :)  I am really nervous about all this Halloween candy my kids will be bringing home tonight. I will stay away from the candy!!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Weigh-In #13

I made it my goal to lose at least 3 pounds this week. I lost 4!!! YAY!!! That means I have lost 41 pounds and I am halfway to my goal of losing 80 pounds. It feels so good! :):)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Climbing Hills

Well, tomorrow is weigh-in day. I have done all I could do this week on the diet. Hoping for a better # on the scales tomorrow.  Hope everyone had a good weekend. I enjoyed the day in Waterloo today. The boys had fun riding their go-cart. We played a little two hand touch football. Then, me, Christy, mom, and Kim walked up a long dirt road across the road from mom's cabin. Much of the road was uphill, which brought on a lot of huffing and puffing. Atop one of those hills was a beautiful view of the river. It was breathtaking (climbing the hill and the view).  :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Going to bed hungry!

I have went to bed hungry the past 3 nights. When I go to bed hungry, I think I have had a good "diet day". I have been eating breakfast, lunch, and a small snack right after school. I cut it off around 4 p.m. I AM going to lose at least 3 pounds by Monday, hopefully more. The only bad thing about going to bed hungry is I can't get to sleep because my stomach keeps GROWLING. I can't sleep anyway though, so I guess it really doesn't make a difference. I just read until I finally feel like I can drift off. Oh, and I am getting my hair done tomorrow. I can't wait! It really needs it. Getting her hair done always makes a girl feel good!!! :) Well, night all....I am going to go listen to my stomach GROWL a while.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Weigh-In #12

Not happy to report I only lost 1 pound this week!!! UGH!! What is with these low numbers?!?!? I am beginning to get frustrated. I did splurge one day this week though, so that may have hurt me. I am going to make myself a short team goal for this week to lose at least 3 pounds. It has been too long since I posted a good number. On the up side, I have lost 37 pounds in all!!! :):):)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Beautiful Sunday

I hope everyone has enjoyed this gorgeous day. Granny and pawpaw took the kiddos to the pumpkin patch so I went to the football field and walked for 2 hours. It was so nice. :) I just realized I have not posted all week, so I thought I better take some time to post. I have had a pretty good week as far as the diet goes. I did splurge a little one day this week, and I hope it doesn't hurt me to bad. I really wanted to lose more than 2 pounds this week, but I am not getting my hopes up. I can't believe it is weigh in day again tomorrow. Does time go by as fast for everyone else as it does for me??? I know the older I get, the faster it goes. :( I really wish time would slow down.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Weigh-In #11

WOW! Am I on week 11 already? It feels like yesterday I began my weight loss journey. Well, I was hoping for a bigger number this week, but no such luck. I only lost 2 pounds, but I guess that is better than nothing. That brings my grand total to 36 pounds. I am really worried about my Halloween goal. I will not reach it at this rate. To get to 180 I have to lose 14 more pounds in 21 days. I don't know if I can do it, but I am not giving up!!! I am just going to have to step it up. Thanks for reading and cheering me on! Oh, and by the way.....I DID NOT EAT THE CAKE!!! :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011


CAKE, CAKE, CAKE, oh, MY!!! My boys just won 5 cakes at the cake walk at church. I WILL NOT EAT THE CAKE!!! This is not a good situtation! I WILL NOT EAT THE CAKE!!! I did eat fish, fries, and hushpuppies today. :( I WILL NOT EAT THE CAKE!!! Now, it is time to clean up the house. I WILL NOT EAT THE CAKE!!! I am going to go walking in a little bit. I WILL NOT EAT THE CAKE!!! I am going to try to run again today. I WILL NOT EAT THE CAKE!!! I didn't get to walk yesterday. I WILL NOT EAT THE CAKE!!! I hope to put up a good # tomorrow for my weigh-in. I WILL NOT EAT THE CAKE!!! Thanks for all the sweet compliments the past 2 days. I WILL NOT EAT THE CAKE!!! My mother-in-law said she didn't even recognize me at the ballgame yesterday. I WILL NOT EAT THE CAKE!!! I am trying so hard to reach my Halloween goal. I WILL NOT EAT THE CAKE!!! Hope everyone has had a good weekend. I WILL NOT EAT THE CAKE!!! :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Busy, busy, busy!!!

I have been so busy the past two days! I have not even been able to walk, but I have also barely had time to eat. LOL So I guess that is not a bad thing. I am loving teaching 4th grade. I have realized though that teaching is not just a 8:00 to 3:00 job. I didn't get home today until 6:30 and still had to grade papers when I got home. I am definitely not complaining though. I am so happy to be working. I love the kids in my class and the other 4th grade teachers are awesome! I already dread leaving. :(  I hope to get a full time job, and my own classroom soon. I hope to get some walking, maybe running in tomorrow before the ballgame. I really would like to post a big # on my weigh-in Monday.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Exercise Routine

I know I have already posted today, but I just had to post this. I am patting myself on the back tonight. I went to the track to walk. First, I climbed the hill and walked around the stadium. Then, I thought I am going to try to run one lap around the track. I ran that lap, and decided to go on for two. After the second lap, I decided why not try for a mile. I ran a mile without stopping. I know that doesn't sound like much, but for me it is an accomplishment. About three years ago I could run 3 miles, but I haven't ran like that in a long time. It felt so good!!! After I ran the mile, I walked another 2 1/2 miles. I am hoping if I change up my exercise routine the weight will start falling off quickly. :)

Weigh-In #10

Another small number this week. :( I only lost 1 pound, bringing the grand total to 34 pounds. I am going to have to change some things up if I am going to reach my goal of 180 by Halloween. I am going to change my eating cut off for the day to 4:00, start drinking more water, and change up my exercise routine some. Maybe next week I will have a better number to report.