Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Reality Check!!

Yes....I am losing weight. I am feeling pretty good about myself and then, pictures!!! Pictures don't lie. These pics were taken at a Halloween party Friday night. I was not the focus of them, but to me all I can see is my double chin and my fat rolls. :( They are the first thing I see. I didn't know my friend was snapping the pics so I didn't know to look down and at the camera so my double chin wouldn't show (a trick my sister taught me). I didn't know to stand up straight and suck it in. LOL These were just a reality check for me. I know I have come a long way and that I looked much worse a year ago. I probably had 3 chins then. LOL These pictures are just a reminder that I have a ways to go yet and I am not stopping until I get where I want to be. So, I will be staying OUT of the kids Halloween candy for sure!!! Oh, wait I guess you wanted to see the pics, didn't you. Well, they can't be any more embarassing then my before pictures, so here you go......


  1. Don't be so hard on yourself. As women we ALWAYS, ALWAYS focus on the worst part of ourselves. We tend to find something negative about our bodies, or someone "better" to compare ourselves with. When I look at your pictures, I think, "Wow! Allison has really been working hard, she looks great!" You don't look like an actress, you look real. You look like someone who cares about her body and her health and is working hard to do what's best for both.

    1. Brandi is right!! You need to focus on how far you have come!! You look GREAT!!

  2. Don't know why that says unknown!! It is your sissy:)

  3. Thanks ladies. I know I have come a long way. I am proud of myself for getting this far. I guess the pics just really helped motivate me to keep going.
