Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Closet Cleaning Blues

Yep, I have the closet cleaning blues......While cleaning out my closet today, this is what I found....

That is a stack of 22 pairs of jeans, shorts, and capris that range in sizes from 9 to 11. Along with all these pants I found several shirts, dresses, and skirts that I can't wear anymore. I cannot believe that I used to wear them. I really can't believe that I let myself get up to a size 20. :( It is really depressing having all these cute clothes in your wardrobe, but being to FAT to wear any of them. I haven't thrown any of them out because it is my goal to get back in them. While this made me sad, there was a positive to cleaning out my closet. I got to bag up all the clothes that are too big now to take to loaves and fishes. :)
Yep, no more size 16,18, or 20 for me. I am NOT hanging on to these like I did the size 9s and 10s. I WILL NOT EVER be that size again!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you. I wish I had your motivation.
