Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Closet Cleaning Blues

Yep, I have the closet cleaning blues......While cleaning out my closet today, this is what I found....

That is a stack of 22 pairs of jeans, shorts, and capris that range in sizes from 9 to 11. Along with all these pants I found several shirts, dresses, and skirts that I can't wear anymore. I cannot believe that I used to wear them. I really can't believe that I let myself get up to a size 20. :( It is really depressing having all these cute clothes in your wardrobe, but being to FAT to wear any of them. I haven't thrown any of them out because it is my goal to get back in them. While this made me sad, there was a positive to cleaning out my closet. I got to bag up all the clothes that are too big now to take to loaves and fishes. :)
Yep, no more size 16,18, or 20 for me. I am NOT hanging on to these like I did the size 9s and 10s. I WILL NOT EVER be that size again!!!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Weigh In #24

Happy with my weigh in today. I lost 2 lbs this week, which brings my grand total back to 46 pounds GONE!!! (Thanks Heather for teaching me to say gone instead of lost; if it is lost you can find it again) I did have a chocolate chip pancake for breakfast this morning, but I have already worked it off. :) So glad it is Spring Break!!! Hope it is as beautiful as it is today all week. I am planning on pulling a BIG # for my weigh in next week. Since it is Spring Break, I should be able to get plenty of exercise. I have already walked 3 miles and I am planning on getting some more exercise before the day is over. Hope everyone has a great day!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pat on the Back

Yep, I am giving myself a pat on the back tonight. Brodie had ball practice at his coach's house tonight. Instead of sitting there watching him practice (which is what I wanted to do), I got up and walked up and down his coach's driveway. Thankfully, his coach has a LONG driveway. :) I used my NOOM app to record how far I walked. I got in 3 miles. YAY me! I CAN find ways to fit exercise into my day. I just have to make myself do it, and I always feel better when I do.  I also stayed within my calorie range. Another good diet day in the books. So glad I am back on my way to looking and feeling FaBuLoUs!!!  :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Weigh In #23

Well, after a having a much better week this week the scale is finally going in the downward direction. I didn't lose as much as I had hoped, but I also didn't get as much exercise as I needed to. I am loving watching my baby play baseball, but it has cut into my exercise time.      :( I have got to figure out a way to fit it into my schedule. Back to the weight loss....I lost 2 pounds, which brings my total back to 44 pounds GONE! I am very proud of myself for getting back on track and I am going to try my best to keep it up. I don't have very long to reach my BIG goal so I have to start really working hard. I want to say thanks for the sweet comments I received at church Sunday night. They really help keep me motivated. :) Here is a pic of me and my little ball player before his first game of the season! Go ARMY!! :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs Oh, My!

Ahhhhh, the Reese's Peanut Butter Egg or as I like to call it EDWN, Every Dieters Worst Nightmare!!! I know I am not the only one who LOVES these yummy, little pieces of chocolate and peanut butter heaven. They make sticking to a diet so hard this time of year!! I see these in the store and I just have to have them. The worst part is, I can't eat just one!!! I keep reminding myself that, "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels." But seriously, I think the person who came up with that saying had never eaten one. I will be so glad when Easter is over so they will be off the shelves. They are just TOO TEMPTING. However, I am happy to say that as much as I wanted one (or 2 or 4 lol), I resisted today! I can't believe it!!! Two good "Diet Days" in a row. It has been a while since that happened. It has been so hard to get back on track, but I think maybe I am. My goal for today was to stay within my calorie range and to make time for exercise. I accomplished both of my goals. YAY!! I had 1,200 calories and for my exercised today I danced for 30 minutes. I had planned to walk, but it was lightening when I went out so I settled for shaking my booty at home. So glad no one was peeking in my window! ;)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


FINALLY!!! Finally, I had a GOOD DIET DAY!!! WOOHOO!!! HOORAY!!! YAY!!! How do I know? I am going to bed hungry. LOL I know some of you think that is not the way to do it, but that is what works for me. I picture those fat cells eating away at each other all night long while I am sleeping. LOL It has been a while since I felt really good about my diet. Dare, I say it.....I am back on track. I better not get ahead of myself now. I have said that before just to FAIL miserably the next day. It is just one day, but maybe, just maybe, it is the beginning of losing the rest of this weight. So what you may ask, motivated me today??? Well, putting on a pair of jeans this morning that had fit good and them being difficult to button. :( This was a wake up call! I am not going to let myself do that again. I have worked to hard to get where I am, and I still have a ways to go to get where I want to be. Today, I had right at 1,100 calories, and I didn't eat anything after 4:30. My only downfall today was not getting any exercise. That is okay though. I am thinking only positive thoughts tonight. I have felt way too discouraged lately. I am patting myself on the back tonight for a change. My goal for tomorrow...Stay within my calorie range and make time to exercise!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Weigh In #22 UGH!!! Broken Record

I don't know why I even weighed in today. I knew I hadn't lost any weight. While it is not the best time for a weigh in (ladies, you know what I mean), I really can't use that excuse. I did not try hard enough to lose weight this week AGAIN!!! The past 5 or 6 posts are beginning to sound like a broken record. So I am getting more and more disappointed in myself which causes me to eat more and more!!! Why can't I get back on track and stay on track??? I read something today that hit me....
"Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent." - Marilyn Vos Savant
That is how I have felt lately....Defeated!!! I will not give up though. I will reach my goal. Don't give up on me!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Weigh In #21

This is my first weigh in since Jan. 9th. Me not weighing in for a while = BIG MISTAKE!!! Since Jan. 9th, I have gained 4 pounds. UGH!!! Apparently, I have to weigh at least once a week to hold myself accountable. If I don't, well, I GAIN!!! Obviously, I didn't win Biggest Loser either. It's okay though. I am not giving up. I plan to get off those 4 pounds THIS WEEK!!! That is my goal for the week. 4 pounds. So what I had lost minus the 4 pounds I put back on brings my total weight loss to 42 pounds. I have got to step it up if I want to be looking FAB by summer! I would like to report that I drank almost 50 ounces of water today. That is an accomplishment for me. I kept my calories to around 1,300, but I didn't get to exercise today. :( While I am disappointed in myself for the last 4 months, I know that I have the willpower to stay on track now and lose the rest of this weight FOR GOOD!!!