Saturday, November 17, 2012


I began my journey from FAT to FABULOUS in July 2011. I did really well from July until right around this time last year. The holidays killed me. I went from losing weight to skipping weigh-ins and not posting at all. From mid November last year until really July of this year I stayed pretty much the same. I would gain and lose, but never really get anywhere. The past two months I have been doing GREAT!!! I have lost another 2 pounds this week, which brings my grand total to 72 pounds GONE!!! I am just so worried that I will mess it up again with the Holidays around the corner. I have got to stay focused on my goal. I can't allow myself to mess up now...Just 15 pounds away from my goal!!! I can do this....I can do this.....I CAN DO THIS!!!! :):):)

Monday, November 12, 2012

70 pounds!!!

I have lost a total of 70 pounds!!!!
70 pounds ago I looked like this....
70 pounds ago I was a very unhappy and unhealthy person...
70 pounds ago I could barely walk up a flight of stairs...
70 pounds ago I could not play football with my kids without getting out of breath...
70 pounds ago I wouldn't have dreamed of doing ZUMBA...
70 pounds ago I was tired all the time...
70 pounds ago I hated myself...
70 pounds ago I did not want to look at myself in the mirror...
70 pounds ago I HATED going shopping...
70 pounds ago I only had a few pair of pants I could wear in my closet...
70 pounds ago I was MISERABLE!!!!
BUT, that was 70 pounds ago!!!!! :):):)
Today, I look like this...
Today, I am a much healthier, much more happy person...
Today, I LOVE getting out in the yard playing football with my boys...
Today, I CAN and LOVE doing ZUMBA...
Today, I have energy when I get out of bed in the morning..
Today, I like the person I see in the mirror...
Today, I love to go to the store and buy a cute pair of jeans...
Today, I am beginning to love me again!!! :):)
Before I began this journey, I had let the real me disappear. I didn't know myself anymore. I only knew the "FAT girl in the mirror". I knew in my heart I was not that person. I didn't like going places or socializing with friends. Sometimes, I would even skip church because I could not find anything in my closet I could wear, or because I was so embarrassed by the way I looked. Today, the real me is finally starting to shine through. I will NEVER be that "fat girl in the mirror" again. Trust me!!! If I can do this, ANYONE CAN!!! I still have 17 pounds to go to reach my goal, but I am so proud of how far I have come. Please!! If you are reading this and you feel the way I felt 70 pounds ago, don't say I will start tomorrow. I said that SO many times. Start right now, TODAY!!! Don't settle for being that person you hate to look at in the mirror. You CAN be healthy and you CAN be happy!!! Come to ZUMBA with me tonight at 6:30. Even if you think you can't, you can. I have had so many people in my life that have motivated me to keep going on this journey from FAT to FABULOUS!!! I would love to be the person that motivates you!!! :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Time for a Weigh-In

Great day today!!! Championship Game day for my boys, ALABAMA is going to whip LSU again, AND I finally get up and get on the scales and the # in the tens place has dropped AGAIN!!! WOOHOO!!! I am beyond happy. I am now in the 160's. I have lost 68 pounds in all!!! That means I have lost a BRODIE!!! HA!! That blows my mind. I have lost 10 pounds in 24 days. I know I am going to reach my goal by Christmas. I am feeling so much better about myself. This past week has been a rough one (well actually, the last 4 years), but I am finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am beginning to REALLY and TRUELY get excited about what my future holds. I pray that God has great and wonderful things in store for me and my boys!