Tuesday, July 31, 2012

From A to Z-umba

Okay, I know it has been a few months since I last blogged. I have had a lot going on the past few months. I just kind of put my weight loss on the back burner. I realize that was a mistake. I did not reach my goal weight in a year like I had planned. I let myself down, and I let you all down. I have some major changes in my life going on right now. I have been extremely stressed, which is not good since I am a stress eater. I am trying really hard to turn that stress into determination and drive to lose the rest of this weight. Tonight, I went to my first Zumba class. I was nervous but ended up having so much fun! I am going to be doing Zumba two nights a week and walk/run the other days. I am going to reach my goal. I am going to feel good about myself again. I will go from fat to fabulous!!!

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