Friday, April 12, 2013

New Goals!

Yes, I finally reached my weight goal of 150, but I am not ready to stop there. I feel so much better, and have so much energy. I want to push myself to go further. So, I am setting myself a few more goals:

1. I am going to finish the Couch 2 5K running program and run my first 5K. I am planning to run one at the end of the month with some friends. I am so excited.

2. I am going to lose 13 more pounds. Why 13 pounds? If I lose 13 more pounds, I can say that I lost 100 pounds! That is not the only reason though. Losing 13 more pounds would put me at 137 pounds. I haven't weighed in the 130's since I was 16. Please don't get me wrong! I am at my "Happy Weight" and I am so proud of myself for getting here, but I still see the areas I need to work on. I plan to look AmAzInG in my bathing suit this year.

3. Last, but not least: This is not really a goal, but more like a promise to myself....I will NEVER EVER let myself look like I did 2 years ago EVER again!!!!

P.S. Thank you all for reading my blog and for all the sweet comments you gave me for reaching my goal weight! I couldn't have done it with you!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I am SO happy that I can finally write this post....

I DID IT!!! I have finally reached my goal weight! 150 pounds! I lost 87 pounds!!! I am so excited! It has been a really long journey, and has taken me a really long time to get here! Several of you have followed me from my very first, embarrassing post (you can read here. ) to this post. I want to say thank you so much for the advice, compliments, and encouragement you have all given me along the way! I do not think I would have been able to do this without this blog and without all of my friends and family supporting me along the way. Losing weight is not easy, but it helps when you have people behind you cheering you on. I appreciate you all so much! So here is a before and after picture...

For all of you out there reading this, that think you can't do it, YOU CAN!!!! Just don't give up. It took me almost 2 years, but I never gave up. I am a different person than I was 2 years ago. The person I was two years ago was a sad, depressed, lazy, shy individual. I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything. I hated myself. Today, I am a much healthier, happier, more confident, more outgoing, more energetic person. I am loving my life right now!

I have actually set some new goals for myself. I will post more on those later, but right now I am just happy to be able to say, "I DID IT!!!" Thanks again for reading and cheering me on as I WENT from FAT TO FABULOUS!!! :):)

P.S. Also, I did WIN the Biggest Loser competition at Fun 2B Fit! :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013


I know I said I wasn't going to post again until I reached my goal weight. I am REALLY REALLY close, but not quite there. However, I have reached one of my goals and I am so excited about it I had to post. In January 2012, I posted a picture of my "dream jeans". Those jeans that I had and have never been able to get into to. Well........................................

This is ME WEARING THEM!!!!!! :):):)