Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back in the Routine/Recipes

Well, we are finally getting back to the school routine. I am finally getting adjusted to getting up early again. Dieting is easier for me when I stay busy, and I have been very busy this week. I am hoping for another big number on the scales Monday. :) Today, I have already walked and climbed the stairs at the football field twice. I have a problem.....I am kind of getting tired of eating the same old diet food every day. So, I was walking last night with a friend and we were discussing food that I could eat and stay in my calorie range every day. I am trying to stay around 1,100 to 1,200 calories a day. She gave me a few good recipes that I am going to try, and I thought I would ask my readers for some good diet recipes I can try. I am looking for snack and meal ideas. I have always been a picky eater, but I am planning to start trying more things. You can leave your recipes as a comment here on the blog, on facebook, or just tell me when you see me. Thanks in advance for the help. :)

1 comment:

  1. I've always hated raw veggies, but I've recently been eating lots of salads with chopped of veggies/bean/grain combos. So, say 1/2 cup beans, 1/4 cup quinoa or rice, 1/4 cup each: raw chopped carrot, zucchini, corn, tomatoes, sweet peppers. Then you can dress it with salsa and top with a few crumbled tortilla chips for a "taco salad". Or you could just toss with a little olive oil and salt and pepper. Olive oil isn't low fat, but it's a good fat. You could also use a pre packaged fat free salad dressing. I think the "light done right" variety from Kraft is pretty good, it doesn't have corn syrup in it, which you should definitely be avoiding. With the veggies all chopped up really small, you don't really taste them as much as the overall flavor of the dressing, etc.

    For snacking, try hummus with carrot sticks, or even lightly steamed green beans. Baked tortilla chips with salsa. Apple slices with peanut butter (easy on the PB). Rice cakes and rice wafers are great to top with a little hummus or almond butter. Even a small serving of nuts is good. Nuts are high in fat, but in limited quantities (8 to 10 pieces) can help you feel more full and satisfied.

    For dinners, you can make an endless variety of casserole type meals by combining: whole grain starch, plus lean protein, with 50% veggies. Avoid cheese or high fat meat and you'll be able to keep the calories low. One thing that helped me when I still ate meat, was at a meal, if I had meat, I wouldn't have any starches, just veggies. I didn't do that at every meal, of course. I'd have a whole grain carb with veggies for lunch, for example, then chicken and veggies for dinner. There is something about the combination of meat and grains that just really makes it hard to lose weight. But you can combine rice and beans for example and that is very low fat. Spices are you friend. Start experimenting with different spices, the more flavorful your food is, the less likely you are to notice that it is good for you! Search the web for low fat/low cal recipes until you find things with some ingredients that you like. If you find it difficult to try new things, try sneaking in one thing that you don't like into something that you do like. i.e. shred up carrots into your tomato sauce, you'll never taste them, but they'll add bulk and nutrition.

    Love you, girl! You are doing great!
