Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How I am losing Weight

I have had several people come up to me and ask, "What are you doing? How are you losing your weight?" So here goes....

1. Exercise. I try to do an hour of Zumba 3 times a week. I also try to walk for an hour on days I don't have Zumba, when weather permits.

2. I have cut back my calories. I try to stay around 1,100 calories a day. I have recently started keeping a food journal to stay on track. I also try not to eat past 5 pm. This has always worked well for me.

3. Drink water. This is one that I struggle with. I am trying to do better.

Eat right and exercise! Unfortunately there is no secret trick to losing weight. Believe me, if there was I would know about it. Not giving up and staying on track is the hardest part of a diet, for me.

How to Start:

No more saying, "Tomorrow, I will start a diet." Start today! Right now! First, you need to set a goal. Where do you want to be? What is your ultimate goal weight? Visualize what you want to look like. Make a plan that suits you. How many calories are you going to consume every day? What kind of exercise are you going to do and how long every day? Make a cut off time. "I will not eat past ___ o'clock." Decide how many glasses or bottles of water you are going to drink every day. Do things to motivate you!!! Hang your dream jeans (those jeans you want to get in one day) where you can see them. Make Pounds to Go and Pounds Gone jars (Fill a jar with stones representing the pounds you have to lose. Move the stones to the pounds gone jar as you lose them). Hang a picture on the fridge of how you used to look. Post motivational sayings aound your house. Start a blog of your own. Keep a journal. Find a workout buddy. Start a ZUMBA class. I recommend Fun 2B Fit in Underwood if you live in the Florence, AL area. Most importantly you have to believe in yourself and be determined to reach your goal!! Also, remember it took time to put it on, it will take time to get it off! Trust me, if I can do this, ANYONE can!!! Good Luck! You got this!!! :)

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